Frequently Asked Questions

Fiber-Seal Fabric Protection
Designer Info
Area Rug Services

FAQ’s about Fiber-Seal Fabric Protection

What does Fiber-Seal protection include?

The Fiber-Seal Fabric Care System includes fabric protection which reduces the absorbency of the surface and makes it much easier to remove stains and blot spills, an at-home Cleaning Care Kit, and complimentary spot removal services. Our residential service agreement includes 12 months of follow-up for complimentary spot cleaning service for primary residences and 18 months of follow-up for secondary residences.

What does the protection do?

The Fiber-Seal product reduces the absorbency of the surface that it is applied to without changing the color or the texture.

Is there an odor?

It has little or no odor.

What is the drying time?

It dries in 3-5 hours - and is fully cured in 48 hours.

Do we have to move our furniture to get full coverage?

It is not necessary to move furniture as we are able to cover the area rugs and carpeting by getting under it with our wand or tilting the piece in place if necessary.

If the service period is limited does that mean the Fiber-Seal wears off?

Fiber-Seal wears as the fabric wears; with use and abrasion. Our service period covers a reasonable time frame where the protection is expected to remain the most serviceable on the most heavily used pieces in the home. Many of our clients re-apply protection to their high traffic areas and more delicate fabrics for when the service period expires because they rely on our service for maintenance of their interiors.

Do you guarantee stain removal?

We guarantee our services and that we will do our very best to remove a spot. Stain removal is not guaranteed. Not every soil or stain is removable. The client assumes responsibility for daily maintenance but may call upon our office for spot cleaning services.

What if there is already a stain on the upholstery or carpet? Will applying Fiber-Seal protection "seal it in"?

No. Fiber-Seal technicians have products that are specifically designed to penetrate our protective treatments.  Our lab in Dallas is our assurance that Fiber-Seal cleaning agents and treatments work hand in hand.  We will always try and remove all stains before we protect. 

Is re-applying Fiber-Seal to the same piece of furniture year after year harmful for the fabric?

There is no harm in the yearly application of Fiber-Seal products. Fiber-Seal products will not build up like a waxy finish. Re-application ensures optimal protection. 

Can you treat our furnishings with Fiber-Seal right after they have been cleaned?

Yes, we can treat your furnishings with protection immediately after cleaning them.

How does the after-care work?

After-care is just a phone call away. During your service period, it is complimentary.  Just call our office at 843-696-4758 to schedule a spot removal appointment.

Are our products safe?

Our products are in a family similar to paint. Just as wet paint will rub off, but dry paint will not – the same principle applies to Fiber-Seal treatment products. Once the surfaces are dry, they are inert and our babies live on them, our pets walk and sleep on them and they essentially become a safe and effective part of our fabrics and floor coverings. This is how Fiber-Seal relates to the home.

Have more questions? We are happy to walk you through the process and answer any additional questions you may have about our products and services. Send us an email at or call (843) 696-4758.

FAQ’s for Interior Designers

Why should designers recommend Fiber-Seal to EVERY client?

Because with Fiber-Seal your work will look good longer - increasing compliments and referrals! Fiber-Seal protection makes cleaning so much more effective that fabrics last longer. And with Fiber-Seal your clients will rely on us (not you) for the ongoing care of their furnishings. 

What is in it for the designer?

Peace of mind knowing that the beautiful interiors you created will stay that way as we protect and maintain your clients home. For information about our Designer Referral Payment Program, reach out to us.

Should I contact you or have my client call?

We strongly suggest that you contact us directly with your client’s name and contact information - this ensures that we know the source of the recommendation. 

Why is it called the Fiber-Seal Fabric Care System?

Because Fiber-Seal is not just a product but a system to help maintain your client’s interiors. The system is a combination of the best protective finishes and our “no charge” service visits. It is not "one and done." We will return to your client’s home as often as needed during the service period. 

If my client uses Fiber-Seal protection doesn't that mean the protected surfaces will never get dirty? Does it prevent dirt and stains?

There is nothing that can prevent dirt and stains. However, having the Fiber-Seal Fabric Care System available ensures that we are no further from your client than their phone.

Again, why should designers recommend Fiber-Seal to EVERY client?

Because we find that most clients want the option to use fabric protection. We often come across clients whose designer never mentioned Fiber-Seal and they cannot understand why they were not advised of the option. They then call us when a soiling issue has already occurred on unprotected fabric or carpeting. While we always do our best, our success is increased with protection. 

Have more questions? We are happy to walk you through the process and answer any additional questions you may have about our products and services. Send us an email at or call (843) 696-4758.

FAQ’s about our Cleaning Methods

What type of cleaning method do you use?

We use a variety of cleaning methods such as fabric sponge, air blower, freezing, and eraser. Our most popular method is the industry-standard hot water extraction the industry-standard hot-water extraction method of cleaning. Our machines are portable. We also offer dry cleaning and encapsulation methods for water sensitive and/or natural fabrics.

Do you clean carpet and upholstery?

Yes, we clean both carpet and upholstery in your home.

How long will it take my furnishings to dry?

If your furnishings are cleaned before protection is applied, it will take 4-6 hours to dry depending on the fabric content of the piece. If Fiber-seal treatment is applied after cleaning, it may take a little bit longer for each piece to fully dry.

Can you treat our furnishings with Fiber-Seal right after they have been cleaned?

Yes, we can treat your furnishings with protection immediately after cleaning them.

Have more questions? We are happy to walk you through the process and answer any additional questions you may have about our products and services. Send us an email at or call (843) 696-4758.

FAQ’s about our Area Rug Services:

Does Fiber-Seal of The Lowcountry clean area rugs on-site?

Yes.  However, there are some cases where certain rugs need to be cleaned at our shop located in Mount Pleasant.  This is determined by the size, type, material, and condition of the area rug.

Can you protect my rugs before delivery?


Is there a charge for pick-up and delivery?

Yes.  Delivery charges are based on location and the number of people needed to safely move furniture and install the area rug.

Have more questions? We are happy to walk you through the process and answer any additional questions you may have about our products and services. Send us an email at or call (843) 696-4758.